MongoDB Three Node Cluster with Replicaset for Production
This post assumes that you have some basic understanding of Docker, Docker Compose, and the key components used in the docker ecosystem. Get up to speed, with the Prepare Your Docker Environment section of Docker docs.
- Install Docker
- install docker-compose
Create keyfile for authentication
Create folder for storing the keyfile
$ mkdir -p docker-mongo/keyfile-mac && cd docker-mongo//keyfile-mac
Create the keyfile with the
and save asmongoKeyFileMac
with the following commands$ openssl rand -base64 741 >> mongoKeyFileMac
$ chmod 400 mongoKeyFileMac
Note: chmod to change file permissions to provide read permissions for the file owner.
To know more about the keyfile creation and permisions based on the Operating system read about create keyfile
Create the docker-compose
Create the
directory$ cd docker-mongo && mkdir single-node-rs && touch docker-compose.yml
Copy the following content and save in
version: "3.9" services: mongodb: image : mongo:6 container_name: mongodb hostname: mongodb restart: on-failure environment: - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=mongouser - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=mongopass - MONGO_INITDB_DATABASE=mydatabase - MONGO_REPLICA_SET_NAME=devrs - TZ="UTC" volumes: - mongodb_data:/data/db # Use below line if you are running the container in linux machine # - ../keyfile-linux/mongoKeyFileLinux:/opt/keyfile/mongoKeyFileLinux # Use below line if you are running the container in linux machine - ../keyfile-mac/mongoKeyFileMac:/opt/keyfile/mongoKeyFileMac ports: - 27017:27017 healthcheck: test: | test $$(mongosh --quiet -u mongouser -p mongopass --eval "try { rs.initiate({ _id: 'devrs', members: [{ _id: 0, host: 'mongodb' }] }).ok } catch (_) { rs.status().ok }") -eq 1 interval: 10s start_period: 30s command: ["mongod", "--replSet", "devrs", "--bind_ip", "localhost,mongodb", "--keyFile", "/opt/keyfile/mongoKeyFileMac"] #command: "--bind_ip_all --keyFile /opt/keyfile/keyfile --replSet devrs" volumes: mongodb_data:
Run the Application
Run the application
$ cd docker-mongo/single-node-rs/
docker-compose up -d
Check the status whether the docker service is up or down
$ docker ps -a
Check the logs
$ docker logs mongodb