Git - Git cheat sheet | Devops Commands

Git - Git cheat sheet | Devops Commands

Git - Git cheat sheet | Devops Commands
Recursively remove all untracked files in the tree.
git clean -f
throw out all of your changes to existing files, but not new ones
git reset --hard
remove file from staging area
git rm --cached [file]
see diff of files in staging area
git diff --staged
see tracked files
git ls-files
see a branch graph
git log --graph
see all tags
git tag
see list of deleted files
git ls-files -d
restore all deleted files
git ls-files -d | xargs git checkout --
view commits not yet pushed to remote
git log --branches --not --remotes
difference between two branches
git diff --stat --color master..branch
see a list of all objects
git rev-list --objects --all
remove file from index
git rm --cached filename.txt
get a list of all commit messages for a repo
git log --pretty=format:'%s'
  • Remove + and - from start of diff lines

git diff --color | sed "s/^\([^-+ ]*\)[-+ ]/\\1/" | less -r

  • clear out git hooks

find .git/hooks -type l -exec rm {} \; && find .githooks -type f -exec ln -sf ../../{} .git/hooks/ \;

  • remove untracked files in a git repository

git status -su | cut -d' ' -f2- | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm

  • get most modified files and counts

git log --all -M -C --name-only --format='format:' "$@" | sort | grep -v '^$' | uniq -c | sort | awk 'BEGIN {print "count\tfile"} {print $1 "\t" $2}' | sort -g

  • Locally checkout all remote branches of a repository

git branch -r | cut -d '/' -f2 | grep -Ev '( |master)' | xargs -Ibranch git checkout -b branch origin/branch

  • Open current Git repository URL
open git remote -v awk ‘/fetch/{print $2}’ sed -Ee ‘s#(git@ git://)#http://#’ -e ‘s@com:@com/@’| head -n1
  • Remove Git from current project

find . -name '.git' -exec rm -rf {} \;

  • Remove all new files

for file in $(git status | grep "new file" | sed "s/#\tnew file://"); do git rm --cached $file; done

  • Delete all remote branches

for remote_branch in $(git ls-remote); do if [[ $remote_branch =~ .*(feature/MAGENTA-([0-9|^130]).+).* ]]; then git push origin :${BASH_REMATCH[1]}; fi; done

  • Removes all local branch

for branch in $(git branch | grep "feature/MAGENTA-"); do git branch -D $branch; done

  • get list of followers from github username

curl -s | grep '\"login\"' | sed -e's/[,|"|:]//g' | awk '{print $(NF)}' | sort

  • git commit random alias

git config --global alias.commit-random '!git commit -m "$(curl -s"'

usage: git commit-random

  • get list of users public repos

curl "" -s | sed -En 's|"name": "(.+)",|\1|p' | tr -d ' '

  • count relevant lines of shell code in a git repo

egrep -v '^\s*($|#)' $(git grep -l '#!/bin/.*sh' *) | wc -l

  • push all remotes

for i in git remote; do git push $i; done;

  • cherry pick range of commits, starting from the tip of ‘master’, into ‘preview’ branch

git rev-list --reverse --topo-order master... | while read rev; do git checkout preview; git cherry-pick $rev || break; done

  • create tracking branches for all remote branches

git branch -a | grep -v HEAD | perl -ne 'chomp($_); s|^\*?\s*||; if (m|(.+)/(.+)| && not $d{$2}) {print qq(git branch --track $2 $1/$2\n)} else {$d{$_}=1}' | csh -xfs;

  • git reset newly added files
for f in git status grep new awk ‘{print $3}’; do git reset HEAD $f ; done
  • git reset newly added files

git reset HEAD -- $(git status | awk '/new file:/{print $3}')

  • pull latest of all submodules

git submodule foreach git pull origin master

  • show a git log with offsets relative to HEAD

git log --oneline | nl -v0 | sed 's/^ \+/&HEAD~/'

  • list offsets from HEAD with git log

o=0; git log --oneline | while read l; do printf "%+9s %s\n" "HEAD~${o}" "$l"; o=$(($o+1)); done | less

  • diff the last 2 commits

git diff $(git log --pretty=format:%h -2 --reverse | tr "\n" " ")

  • reset the last modified time for each file in a git repo to its last commit time

git ls-files | while read file; do echo $file; touch -d $(git log --date=local -1 --format="@%ct" "$file") "$file"; done

  • get author and email of a commit

git --no-pager show -s --format='%an <%ae> on %cd' --date=short {commithash}

  • information about an author by giving it’s name or email

git log -i -1 --pretty="format:%an <%ae>\n" --author="$1"

  • List all files ever existed

git log --pretty=format: --name-status $@ | cut -f2- | sort -u

  • commit all changes

git add -A && git commit -av

  • print git commit history

git log --oneline --decorate | nl | sort -nr | nl | sort -nr | cut --fields=1,3 | sed 's/([^)]*)\s//g'

  • print git commit history

git log --oneline --decorate | tac | nl | tac | sed 's/([^)]*)\s//g'

  • find the date of the first commit in a repo

git log --pretty=format:'%ad' | tail -1

  • delete all local git branches that have been merged

git branch --merged | grep -v "\*" | xargs -n 1 git branch -d

  • delete all git branches except master

git branch | egrep -v ^master$ | sed 's/^[ *]*//' | sed 's/^/git branch -D /' | bash

  • delete all git branches except master git branch | grep -v “master” | sed ‘s/^[ ]//’ | sed ‘s/^/git branch -D /’ | bash

  • delete all git branches except master git checkout master; git branch | sed -e ‘/master/d’ -e ‘s/^/git branch -D /’ | bash

  • export current repo to zip archive git archive -o “${PWD##*/}.zip” HEAD

  • figure out what pull requests are in your current branch (staging) but not yet in master git log HEAD…origin/master –pretty=oneline | grep pull

  • remove missing files git ls-files -d -z | xargs -0 git update-index –remove

  • list authors of a repo git shortlog -sn –all | cut -f2 | cut -f1 -d’ ‘

  • remove file from repo history git filter-branch -f –tree-filter ‘rm -rf’ HEAD

  • list repos by username curl “” -s | sed -En ‘s|”name”: “(.+)”,|\1|p’ | awk ‘{print $1}’

  • fetch all git remotes for a repo git branch -r | awk -F’/’ ‘{print “git fetch “$1,$2}’ | xargs -I {} sh -c {}

  • add a tag git tag -a 1.2 -m “Version 1.2 Stable”

  • show which branches are tracking what git for-each-ref –format=’%(refname:short)’ refs/heads/* | while read b; do if r=$(git config –get branch.$b.remote); then m=$(git config –get branch.$b.merge); echo “$b -> $r/${m##*/}”; fi; done

  • push tags git push –tags

  • download all files from a gist without git curl -L | tar -xvz –strip-components=1

  • delete a local branch git branch -d branchname

  • delete a remote branch git push origin –delete branchname

  • list props for repo git log -i –grep props | egrep -io ‘props (to )?[a-z0-9_-]’ | sed ‘s/. //’ | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1nr

  • Undo your last commit, but don’t throw away your changes git reset –soft HEAD^

  • Delete all local branches that have been merged into HEAD git branch -d git branch --merged | grep -v '^*' | grep -v 'master' | tr -d '\n'

  • credit author on last commit git commit –amend –author “$1 <$2>” -C HEAD

  • Show the diff of everything you haven’t pushed yet. branch=$(git rev-parse –abbrev-ref HEAD) git diff origin/$branch..HEAD

  • determine current branch git branch | awk ‘/*/{print $2}’

  • check which branches had the latest commits git for-each-ref –sort=-committerdate –format=’%(refname:short) %(committerdate:short)’

  • search all commit messages for a string git rev-list –all | xargs git grep -F ‘string’

  • create a short url curl -s -F “url=” -i | sed -n ‘s/Location:.* //p’

  • find the most verbs used in commit messages git log –pretty=format:’%s’ | cut -d “ “ -f 1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr

  • find the most verbs used in commit messages git log –oneline | awk ‘{ print $2; }’ | sort | uniq -c | sort -r

  • get current author and email of the repo git log -1 –pretty=”format:%an <%ae>” –author=”$1”

  • verify all packed objects and find the 5 biggest ones git verify-pack -v .git/objects/pack/*.idx | sort -k 3 -n | tail -5

  • delete all tags for t in git tag do; git push origin :$t; git tag -d $t; done

  • compress all repos find . -path ‘*.git/config’ -execdir git gc –aggressive \;

  • remove .DS_Store from the repository you happen to staging by mistake find . -name .DS_Store -exec git rm –ignore-unmatch –cached {} +

  • Delete all local branches that have been merged into HEAD. git branch -d git branch --merged | grep -v '^*' | grep -v 'master' | tr -d '\n'

  • Credit an author on the last commit git commit –amend –author “John Doe” -C HEAD

  • pretty git log git log –graph –pretty=format:’%Cred%h%Creset %an: %s - %Creset %C(yellow)%d%Creset %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset’ –abbrev-commit –date=relative

  • delete local files that have been removed from git repo git status | grep deleted | awk ‘{$1=$2=""; print $0}’ | perl -pe ‘s/^[ \t]*//’ | sed ‘s/ /\\ /g’ | xargs git rm

  • list all files ever added to a git repo git log –name-status –oneline –all | grep -P “^[A|M|D]\s” | awk ‘{print $2}’ | sort | uniq

  • get current branch git branch | grep “^” | sed ‘s/ //g’

  • stage manually deleted files git status | grep deleted | sed ‘s/deleted://g’ | sed ‘s/[#| ]//g’ | xargs git rm

  • show path to the root of the repo git rev-parse –show-toplevel

  • recommit last commit LAST_MESSAGE=git log -1 --pretty="format:%s"; git commit -m “$LAST_MESSAGE” –amend –date “date

  • Get a list of all TODO/FIXME tasks left to be done in your project alias tasks=’grep –exclude-dir=.git -rEI “TODO|FIXME” . 2>/dev/null’

  • edit your gitignore from anywhere in your repo vim $(git rev-parse –show-toplevel)/.gitignore

  • simple single-lined git log git log –pretty=oneline –abbrev-commit

  • Lint Git unstaged PHP files git status -s | grep -o ‘ \S*php$’ | while read f; do php -l $f; done

  • 100% rollback files to a specific revision git reset –hard && git clean -f

  • Print out the contents of a Git repository (useful for broken repositories) find .git/objects -type f -printf “%P\n” | sed s,/,, | while read object; do echo “=== $obj $(git cat-file -t $object) ===”; git cat-file -p $object; done

  • Show git branches by date - useful for showing active branches git for-each-ref –sort=’-authordate’ –format=’%(refname)%09%(authordate)’ refs/heads | sed -e ‘s-refs/heads/–’

  • git log with color and path alias gitlog=’git log -10 –graph –date-order -C -M –pretty=format:”%C(yellow)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold green)%ad%C(reset) - %C(dim yellow)%an%C(reset) %C(bold red)>%C(reset) %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(bold red)%d%C(reset) “ –abbrev-commit –date=short’

  • open (in vim) all modified files in a git repository git status –porcelain | sed -ne ‘s/^ M //p’ | tr ‘\n’ ‘\0’ | tr -d ‘”’ | xargs -0 vim

  • open (in vim) all modified files in a git repository vim git status --porcelain | sed -ne 's/^ M //p'

  • open (in vim) all modified files in a git repository vim git status | grep modified | awk '{print $3}'

  • open (in vim) all modified files in a git repository vim -p git --porcelain | awk {print $2}

  • stage all manually deleted files for x in git status | grep deleted | awk '{print $3}'; do git rm $x; done

  • generate file list modified since last commit and export to tar file git diff-tree -z -r –no-commit-id –name-only –diff-filter=ACMRT COMMID_HASH | xargs -0 tar -rf list.tar

  • export unpushed files list git log -z origin/master..master –name-only –pretty=”format:” | sort -zu | xargs -0 tar -rf list.tar

  • Count the lines of each file extenion in a list of files git ls-files | xargs wc -l | awk -F ‘ +|\.|/’ ‘{ sumlines[$NF] += $2 } END { for (ext in sumlines) print ext, sumlines[ext] }’

  • Show git commit history git reflog show | grep ‘}: commit’ | nl | sort -nr | nl | sort -nr | cut –fields=1,3 | sed s/commit://g | sed -e ‘s/HEAD@{[0-9]}://g’

  • Restore deleted file from GIT repository git checkout $(git rev-list -n 1 HEAD – “$file”)^ – “$file”

  • Number of commits per day in a git repo git log | grep Date | awk ‘{print “ : “$4” “$3” “$6}’ | uniq -c

  • Remove git branches that do not have a rmote tracking branch anymore git branch -r | awk ‘{print $1}’ | egrep -v -f /dev/fd/0 <(git branch -vv | grep origin) | awk ‘{print $1}’ | xargs git branch -d

  • Remove .git dirs find . -name “.git” -type d -exec rm -rf {} \;

  • Top Ten of the most active committers in git repositories git shortlog -s | sort -rn | head

  • git - create a local branch that tracks with the remote branch git checkout -tb mybranch origin/mybranch

  • Prints per-line contribution per author for a GIT repository git ls-files | xargs -n1 git blame –line-porcelain | sed -n ‘s/^author //p’ | sort -f | uniq -ic | sort -nr

  • Git Tree Command with color and tag/branch name git log –graph –oneline –all –decorate –color

  • Open the current project on Github by typing gh git remote -v | grep fetch | sed ‘s/([:|/](.).git (fetch)/\2/’ | awk {‘print “” $1’} | xargs open

  • Show git branches by date - useful for showing active branches for k in $(git branch | sed /*/d); do echo “$(git log -1 –pretty=format:”%ct” $k) $k”; done | sort -r | awk ‘{print $2}’

  • Update (pull commits from) all submodules git submodule foreach git pull –ff-only origin master

  • commit message generator - curl

  • Create tarball of files modified in git tar czf git_mods_circa_dec23.tgz –files-from <(git ls-files -m)

  • Sequential revision numbers in Git git rev-list –reverse HEAD | awk “/$(git log -n 1 –pretty=”format:%h”)/ {print NR}”

  • commit message generator - curl -s ‘’ | grep ‘<p>’ | cut -c4-

  • Show git branches by date - useful for showing active branches for k in git branch|sed s/^..//;do echo -e git log -1 --pretty=format:"%Cgreen%ci %Cblue%cr%Creset" "$k" --\t”$k”;done|sort

  • git Output remote origin from within a local repository git config –local –get remote.origin.url

  • delete local and remote git repos if merged into local master git branch | cut -c3- | grep -v “^master$” | while read line; do git branch -d $line; done | grep ‘Deleted branch’ | awk ‘{print $3;}’ | while read line; do git push :$line; done

  • Using Git, stage all manually deleted files. git add -u

  • Pull git submodules in parallel using GNU parallel parallel -j4 cd {}\; pwd\; git pull :::: <(git submodule status | awk ‘{print $2}’)

  • bash script to zip a folder while ignoring git files and copying it to dropbox git archive HEAD | gzip > ~/Dropbox/archive.tar.gz

  • Push each of your local git branches to the remote repository git push origin –all

  • Deleting a remote git branch (say, by name ‘featureless’) git push origin :featureless

  • git-rm for all deleted files, including those with space/quote/unprintable characters in their filename/path git ls-files -z -d | xargs -0 git rm –

  • GIT: list unpushed commits git log –oneline ..

  • commit message generator - lynx -dump -nolist|sed -n 2p

  • commit message generator - curl -s | html2text | sed ‘$d’

  • commit message generator - curl -s | sed -n ‘/<p>/,/<\/p>/p’ | sed ‘$d’ | sed ‘s/<p>//’

  • telling you from where your commit come from function where(){ COUNT=0; while [ where_arg $1~$COUNT | wc -w == 0 ]; do let COUNT=COUNT+1; done; echo “$1 is ahead of “; where_arg $1~$COUNT; echo “by $COUNT commits”;};function where_arg(){ git log $@ –decorate -1 | head -n1 | cut -d ‘ ‘ -f3- ;}

  • Show the changed files in your GIT repo git status | perl -F’\s’ -nale ‘BEGIN { $a = 0 }; $a = 1 if $_ =~ /changed but not updated/i; print $F[-1] if ( $a && -f $F[-1] )’

  • Search git repo for specified string git grep “search for something” $(git log -g –pretty=format:%h -S”search for something”)

  • Get first Git commit hash git log –pretty=format:%H | tail -1

  • Get first Git commit hash git log –format=%H | tail -1

  • List all authors of a particular git project git log –format=’%aN <%aE>’ | awk ‘{arr[$0]++} END{for (i in arr){print arr[i], i;}}’ | sort -rn | cut -d\ -f2-

  • See all the commits for which searchstring appear in the git diff git log -p -z | perl -ln0e ‘print if /[+-].*searchedstring/’

  • List every file that has ever existed in a git repository git log –all –pretty=format:” “ –name-only | sort -u

  • git pull all repos find ~ -maxdepth 2 -name .git -print | while read repo; do cd $(dirname $repo); git pull; done

  • Add .gitignore files to all empty directories recursively from your current directory find . ( -type d -empty ) -and ( -not -regex ./.git.* ) -exec touch {}/.gitignore \;

  • Display condensed log in a tree-like format. git log –graph –pretty=oneline –decorate

  • List all authors of a particular git project git log –format=’%aN’ | sort -u

  • List all authors of a particular git project git shortlog -s | cut -c8-

  • Show git branches by date - useful for showing active branches for k in git branch|sed s/^..//;do echo -e git log -1 --pretty=format:"%Cgreen%ci %Cblue%cr%Creset" "$k"\t”$k”;done|sort

  • Move all files untracked by git into a directory git clean -n | sed ‘s/Would remove //; /Would not remove/d;’ | xargs mv -t stuff/

  • Prints per-line contribution per author for a GIT repository git ls-files | while read i; do git blame $i | sed -e ‘s/^[^(](//’ -e ‘s/^([^[:digit:]])[[:space:]]+[[:digit:]].*/\1/’; done | sort | uniq -ic | sort -nr

  • Prints per-line contribution per author for a GIT repository git ls-files | xargs -n1 -d’\n’ -i git-blame {} | perl -n -e ‘/\s((.*?)\s[0-9]{4}/ && print “$1\n”’ | sort -f | uniq -c -w3 | sort -r

  • Makes a project directory, unless it exists; changes into the dir, and creates an empty git repository, all in one command gitstart () { if ! [[ -d “$@” ]]; then mkdir -p “$@” && cd “$@” && git init; else cd “$@” && git init; fi }

  • git Revert files with changed mode, not content git diff –numstat | awk ‘{if ($1 == “0” && $2 == “0”) print $3}’ | xargs git checkout HEAD

  • Show changed files, ignoring permission, date and whitespace changes git diff –numstat -w –no-abbrev | perl -a -ne ‘$F[0] != 0 && $F[1] !=0 && print $F[2] . “\n”;’

  • Show (only) list of files changed by commit git show –relative –pretty=format:’’ –name-only HASH

  • Stage only portions of the changes to a file. git add –patch

  • Show log message including which files changed for a given commit in git. git –no-pager whatchanged -1 –pretty=medium

  • search string in all revisions for i in git log --all --oneline --format=%h; do git grep SOME_STRING $i; done

  • git remove files which have been deleted git ls-files -z –deleted | xargs -0 git rm

  • Show git branches by date - useful for showing active branches for k in git branch|perl -pe s/^..//;do echo -e git show --pretty=format:"%Cgreen%ci %Cblue%cr%Creset" $k|head -n 1\t$k;done|sort -r

  • add forgotten changes to the last git commit git commit –amend

  • git remove files which have been deleted git rm $(git ls-files –deleted)

  • git diff of files that have been staged ie ‘git add’ed git diff –cached

  • add untracked/changed items to a git repository before doing a commit and/or sending upstream git status|awk ‘/modified:/ { printf(“git add %s\n”,$3) }; NF ==2 { printf(“git add %s\n”,$2) }’|sh

  • Better git diff, word delimited and colorized git config alias.dcolor “diff –color-words”

  • Better git diff, word delimited and colorized git diff -U10|dwdiff –diff-input -c|less -R

  • Better git diff, word delimited and colorized git diff -U10 |wdiff –diff-input -a -n -w $’\e[1;91m’ -x $’\e[0m’ -y $’\e[1;94m’ -z $’\e[0m’ |less -R

  • Count git commits since specific commit git log –pretty=oneline b56b83.. | wc -l

  • Count git commits since specific commit git log –summary 223286b.. | grep ‘Author:’ | wc -l

  • Execute git submodule update in parallel with xargs git submodule status | awk ‘{print $2}’ | xargs -P5 -n1 git submodule update –init

  • Incorporating a finished feature on develop git checkout develop; git merge –no-ff myfeature

  • Creating a feature branch git checkout -b myfeature develop

  • My Git Tree Command! git log –graph –oneline –all

  • show git logging git log –stat

  • Create a git archive of the latest commit with revision number as name of file git archive HEAD –format=zip -o git rev-parse

  • List files under current directory, ignoring repository copies. function have_here { find “${@:-.}” -type d ( -name .git -o -name .svn -o -name .bzr -o -name CVS -o -name .hg -o -name pycache ) -prune -o -type f -print; }

  • revert the unstaged modifications in a git working directory git diff | git apply –reverse

#commit message generator curl -s | tr -s ‘\n’ ‘ ‘ | grep -so ‘p>(.)</p’ | sed -n ‘s/..(.)…./\1/p’

  • random git commit message git-random(){ gitRan=$(curl -L -s |grep -A 1 “"c” |tail -1 |sed ‘s/<p>//’); git commit -m “$gitRan”; }

  • rename a branch git branch -m old_branch new_branch

  • set upstream for existing branch git branch –set-upstream /

  • checkout remote branch git checkout -b test origin/test

  • pretty git commit log git log –pretty=format:”%h %ad | %s%d [%an]” –graph –date=short

  • make git HEAD same as origin/master git reset –hard origin/master

  • delete a remote branch git push origin :heads/branch_name

  • revert uncommited git changes git reset –hard HEAD

  • add .gitignore to enable add empty directory to git for i in $(find . -type d -regex ``./[^.].*’’ -empty); do touch $i”/.gitignore”; done;

  • list files between git commits git diff –name-only 4ce07ee 7cdf78b

  • list all branches git branch -a

  • install a new git repo function gitinstall(){ git init; git remote add origin “$@”; git config branch.master.remote origin; git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/master; git pull;}

  • git recursive rm git ls-files -d -z | xargs -0 git update-index –remove

  • undo last git commit git reset –soft HEAD^

  • find deleted stashes and other lost commits in git git fsck –no-reflog | awk ‘/dangling commit/ {print $3}’

  • git apply patch git format-patch -k –stdout rev1-1..rev2 | git am -k -3

  • git cat git cat-file -p $(git ls-tree $1 “$2” | cut -d “ “ -f 3 | cut -f 1)

  • list unmerged files git ls-files -u|awk ‘{print $4}’|sort -u

  • list added files in the index git diff-index HEAD|awk ‘{print $5 “ “ $6}’|sed -n -e’s/^A //p’

  • print number of modified files git status –porcelain | cut -c 1-2 | grep M | wc -l | tr -d “ “

  • show all remote git branches git remote show origin

  • fancy git prompt

parse_git_branch() { git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e ‘/^[^]/d’ -e ‘s/ (.*)/(git::\1)/’ }

export PS1=”[\033]0;\h \w $(parse_git_branch) \007][[\033[01;35m]\h [\033[01;34m]\w [\033[31m]$(parse_git_branch)[\033[00m]]$ “

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