Git - Common Commands

Git - Common Commands

Balu Infrastructure Solution Architect | SRE | DevOps Manager | Platform Engineer | Monitoring | CICD | ODD | SQL/NoSQL | ELK | AWS | Jhipster | Microservices | Agile | Scrum
Git - Common Commands

Commit History

Show all commits, starting with the newest
git log
Commit history of specific file
git log -p <file_name>

git log -p
Commit hitory by user
git blame <file_name>

git blame


List all local brnahces
git branch
List all local and remote brnahces
git branch -av
Switch to existing branch
git checkout <branch_name>

# Example
git checkout jinnabalu/testBranchName
Create a new branch
git checkout -b <brach_name>

# Example
git checkout -b jinnabalu/myNewBranchName
Delete local branch
git branch -d <branch_name>

# Example
git branch -d jinnabalu/myNewBranchName

## Force delete if not merged
git branch -D jinnabalu/myNewBranchName
Delete remote/origin branch
git push origin --delete <branch_name>

# Example
git push origin --delete jinnabalu/myNewBranchName

Pull and Push

Get latest from remote

pull: gets latest pushed by someone to the branch

git pull
Push local changes

push: push local cahnges to the remote branch

git push -u origin <branch_name>

# Example
git push -u origin jinnabalu/myNewBranchName

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