CICD Jenkins - Send email with default content
Send email with default content as the build output
Prerequisite Plugins
- Create new job with freestyle
- [Optional]In Source Code Management section configure the git if required
- Configure the build section with type of build
Post-build Actions select Editable email notification configue the following properties
Project Recipient List:,example@example.example
Project Reply-To List:
Content Type: Select as required
Default Subject: Subject
Default Content:
Option1: Content Type - Text -> `${BUILD_LOG_EXCERPT, start="^Start", end="^End"}` Option2: Content Type - html -> `<pre>${BUILD_LOG_EXCERPT, start="^Start", end="^End"}</pre>`
- Save and test
How to send build output as email to the specific email?
- Execute shell
echo "Start"
git log --since="1 week ago" --pretty=format:'%cd %<(20)%an %s' --date=format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
echo "End"
Post-build Actions select Editable email notification configue the following properties
Project Recipient List:
Project Reply-To List:
Content Type: Select as required
Default Subject: Developers Weekly Progress
Default Content: ```bash Hi All,
Here is the feature and bug progress of the week
${BUILD_LOG_EXCERPT, start="^Start", end="^End"}
Platform Ops Admin ```
- Save
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