AWS EBS Volmes - Create and attach the EBS volume with mounting

AWS EBS Volmes - Create and attach the EBS volume with mounting

AWS EBS Volmes - Create and attach the EBS volume with mounting

Create Volume from console

  • Login to AWS console
  • Goto menu Services -> Compute -> EC2 -> In Left Sidebar under Elastic Block Store -> click on Volume -> Create Volume
  • Fill the following parameter Create AWS EBS Volume

Attach a volume

  • Select the created volume, right click and select the “attach volume” option. Atach EBS Volume

Note: Volume and EC2 instance need to be in the same availability zone.

Mount to the folder

  • Now, login to your ec2 instance and list the available disks


    The above command will list the disk you attached to your instance

  • Check if the volume has any data

    sudo file -s /dev/xvdf or `sudo file -s /dev/nvme1n1’

    If the above command output shows “/dev/xvdf: data”, it means your volume is empty.

  • Format the volume to ext4 filesystem

    sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/xvdf or sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/nvme1n1

  • Create a directory of your choice to mount our new ext4 volume. I am using the name “/var/avolume”

    mkdir -p /var/avolume

  • Mount the volume to “/var/avolume” directory

    mount /dev/nvme1n1 /var/avolume

    cd into newvolume directory and check the disk space for confirming the volume mount.

     cd /var/avolume
     df -h .

    The above command would show the free space in the newvolume directory

  • To unmount the volume

    unmount /dev/nvme1n1